Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Tutić, Andreas and Ulf Liebe, 2009: A Theory of Status-Mediated Inequity Aversion. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 33: 157-195.
Tutić, Andreas, 2010: The Aumann-Drèze Value, the Wiese Value, and Stability: A Note. International Game Theory Review 12: 189-195.
Liebe, Ulf and Andreas Tutić, 2010: Status Groups and Altruistic Behavior in Dictator Games. Rationality and Society 22: 353-380.
Tutić, Andreas, Stefan Pfau, and André Casajus, 2011: Experiments on Bilateral Bargaining in Markets. Theory and Decision 70: 529-546.
Tutić, Andreas, 2013: Experimental Evidence on the Theory of Club Goods. Rationality and Society 25: 90-120.
Casajus, André and Andreas Tutić, 2013: Nash Bargaining, Shapley Threats, and Outside Options. Mathematical Social Sciences 66: 262-267.
Tutić, Andreas, 2014: Procedurally Rational Volunteers. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 38: 219-232.
Tutić, Andreas, 2015: Revealed Norm Obedience. Social Choice and Welfare 44: 301-318.
Tutić, Andreas, 2015: Warum denn eigentlich nicht? Zur Axiomatisierung soziologischer Handlungstheorie. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 44: 83-95.
Tutić, Andreas and Harald Wiese, 2015: Reconstructing Granovetter's Network Theory. Social Networks 43: 136-148.
Grehl, Sascha and Andreas Tutić, 2015: Experimental Evidence on Iterated Reasoning in Games. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0136524.
Tutić, Andreas, 2016: Zur Interpretation entscheidungstheoretischer Kalküle - Eine Erwiderung. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 45: 136-144.
Tutić, Andreas, 2016: Doppelte Kontingenz. Zeitschrift für Theoretische Soziologie 1/2016: 6-24.
Liebe, Ulf, Elias Naumann, and Andreas Tutić, 2017: Sozialer Status und prosoziales Handeln: Ein Quasi-Experiment im Krankenhaus. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 69: 109-129. [This paper was covered by Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.]
Tutić, Andreas, 2017: Revisiting the Breen-Goldthorpe Model of Educational Stratification. Rationality and Society 29: 289-407.
Tutić, Andreas and Sascha Grehl, 2017: A Note on Disbelief in Others regarding Backward Induction. Games 8(3): 33.
Tutić, Andreas, Thomas Voss, and Ulf Liebe, 2017: Low-Cost-Hypothese und Rationalität - Eine neue theoretische Herleitung und einige Implikationen. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 69: 651-672.
Tutić, Andreas and Sascha Grehl, 2018: Status Characteristics and the Provision of Public Goods – Experimental Evidence. Sociological Science 5: 1-20.
Liebe, Ulf and Andreas Tutić, 2018: Citizenship Status, Warm Glow, and Prosocial Behavior: A Quasi-Experiment on Giving Behavior by Host-Country Citizens and Asylum Seekers. Analyse & Kritik 40: 161-184.
Tutić, Andreas and Hagen von Hermanni, 2018: Sozioökonomischer Status, Deprivation und die Affinität zur AfD – Eine Forschungsnotiz. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 70: 275-294.
Liebe, Ulf, Nicole Schwitter, and Andreas Tutić, 2019: Objektiver Status, subjektiver Status und Prosozialität bei Schweizer Berüfsschülerinnen und Berufsschülern. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 45: 57-81.
Liebe, Ulf, Elias Naumann, and Andreas Tutić, 2019: Prosocial Behavior across Professional Boundaries: Experimental Evidence from Hospitals. SAGE Open:
Tutić, Andreas and Ulf Liebe, 2019: Sozialer Status, Altruistisches Geben und Reziprozität: Befunde aus einem Quasi-Experiment mit Probanden aus den USA. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 48: 176-189.
von Hermanni, Hagen and Andreas Tutić, 2019: Does Economic Inequality Moderate the Effect of Class on Prosocial Behavior? A Large-Scale Test of a Recent Hypothesis by Côté et al. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0220723.
Tutić, Andreas and Ulf Liebe, 2020: Contact Heterogeneity as a Mediator of the Relationship between Social Class and Altruistic Giving. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. doi:10.1177/2378023120969330.
Tutić, Andreas, 2021: Stochastic Evolutionary Dynamics in the Volunteer's Dilemma. Journal of Mathematical Sociology. doi:10.1080/0022250X.2021.1988946.
Tutić, Andreas and Sascha Grehl, 2021: Implizite Einstellungen, explizite Einstellungen und die Affinität zur AfD. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 73: 389-417.
Grehl, Sascha and Andreas Tutić, 2022: Intuition, Reflection, and Prosociality: Evidence from A Field Experiment. PLoS ONE 17(2): e0262476.
Tutić, Andreas, 2022: Cultural Orientations and their Influence on Social Behaviour: Catalysation and Suppression. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 52: 438-453.
Tutić, Andreas, Ivar Krumpal, and Friederike Haiser, 2022: Triage in Times of COVID-19: A Moral Dilemma. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 63: 560-576.
Tutić, Andreas, 2022: Die Dual-Process-Perspektive in der interdisziplinären Handlungstheorie: Stand und Perspektiven. Soziale Welt 73: 203-238.
Liebe, Ulf, Nicole Schwitter, and Andreas Tutić, 2022: Individuals of High Socioeconomic Status are Altruistic in Sharing Money but Egoistic in Sharing Time. Scientific Reports 12: 10831.
Tutić, Andreas, 2023: Thoughts on Integrating Evolutionary Analysis into Sociological Action Theory. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 76: 291-316.
Tutić, Andreas, Sascha Grehl, and Ulf Liebe, 2023: A Dual-Process Perspective on the Relationship between Implicit Attitudes and Discriminatory Behavior. European Sociological Review 40: 672-685.
Stark, Sandra, Daniel Peter, and Andreas Tutić, 2023: Homophily and the Evolution of Cooperation in the Volunteer’s Dilemma: A Computational Study on Dynamic Graphs. Social Networks 78: 25-39.
Tutić, Andreas, Friederike Haiser, and Ivar Krumpal, 2024: Social Class and Moral Judgment: A Process Dissociation Perspective. Frontiers in Sociology 9: 1391214.
Tutić, Andreas, 2024: Class-Based Differences in Moral Judgment: A Bayesian Approach. Theory and Society. In press.
Books and Theses
Tutić, Andreas, 2010: Essays on Social Status. Dissertation, Universität Leipzig.
Tutić, Andreas, 2018: Beiträge zu einer interdisziplinären Handlungstheorie. Habilitationsschrift, Universität Leipzig.
Tutić, Andreas (Ed.), 2020 : Rational Choice. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Krumpal, Ivar, Werner Raub, and Andreas Tutić (Eds.), 2021: Rationality in Social Science: Foundations, Norms, and Prosociality. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Publications in Edited Volumes
Tutić, Andreas, 2015: Nutzen- und Spieltheorie. In: Norman Braun and Nicole J. Saam (Eds.): Handbuch Modellbildung und Simulation in den Sozialwissenschaften. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Tutić, Andreas, Thomas Voss, and Johannes Zschache, 2015: Soziale Normen. In: Norman Braun and Nicole J. Saam (Eds.): Handbuch Modellbildung und Simulation in den Sozialwissenschaften. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Liebe, Ulf and Andreas Tutić, 2017: The Interplay of Social Status and Reciprocity. In: Ben Jann and Wojtek Przepiorka (Eds.): Social Dilemmas, Institutions, and the Evolution of Cooperation. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Tutić, Andreas and Ulf Liebe, 2017: Rational Choice. In: William Outhwaite and Stephen Turner (Eds.): The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology. London: SAGE.
Tutić, Andreas and Thomas Voss, 2020: Trust and Game Theory. In: Judith Simon (Ed.): Routledge Handbook of Trust and Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Tutić, Andreas, 2020: Entscheidungstheorie. In: Andreas Tutić (Ed.): Rational Choice. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Tutić, Andreas, 2020: Anomalien der Rational-Choice-Theorie. In: Andreas Tutić (Ed.): Rational Choice. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Tutić, Andreas, 2021: Rational Choice und Dual-Process-Theorie. In: Mathias Berek, Kristina Chmelar, Oliver Dimbath, Hanna Haag, Michael Heinlein, Nina Leonhard, Valentin Rauer and Gerd Sebald (Eds.): Handbuch Sozialwissenschaftliche Gedächtnisforschung. Berlin: Springer.
Krumpal, Ivar, Werner Raub, and Andreas Tutić, 2021: Rationality in Social Science: Introduction. In: Ivar Krumpal, Werner Raub, and Andreas Tutić (Eds.): Rationality in Social Science: Foundations, Norms, and Prosociality. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Tutić, Andreas and Ulf Liebe, 2021: Opposing Effects of Objective and Subjective Status on Prosociality: Theory and Quasi-Experiment. In: Ivar Krumpal, Werner Raub, and Andreas Tutić (Eds.): Rationality in Social Science: Foundations, Norms, and Prosociality. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Kroneberg, Clemens and Andreas Tutić, 2021: Action. In: Gianluca Manzo (Ed.): Research Handbook on Analytical Sociology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Tutić, Andreas, Ivar Krumpal, and Friederike Haiser, 2023: Faire Verteilung knapper medizinischer Ressourcen in der COVID-19-Pandemie: Ethische Aspekte und empirische Evidenz zum Problem der Triage. In: Ingeborg Henzler, Henning Hues, Sandra Sonnleitner, and Uta Wilkens (Eds.) Extended Views. Gesellschafts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Covid-19-Pandemie. Köln: Böhlau.
Didactic Publications
Casajus, André and Andreas Tutić, 2008: Allmenderessourcen, Märkte und die Unsichtbare Hand. das wirtschaftsstudium, Heft 6.
Tutić, Andreas and Frank Hüttner, 2010: Axiomatische Theorien begrenzter Rationalität. WiSt, Heft 6.
Tutić, Andreas, 2014: Ordinale Nutzentheorie. WiSt, Heft 12.
Tutić, Andreas, 2011: Book Review on Marc Fleurbaey: "Fairness, Responsibility, and Welfare". Rationality, Markets and Morals 2: 8-12.
Berger, Roger and Andreas Tutić, 2014: Book Review on Raffael Wittek, Tom A.B. Snijders, and Victor Nee (Ed.): "The Handbook of Rational Choice Social Research". Soziologische Revue 37: 518-521.
Tutić, Andreas, 2015: Book Review on Richard Swedberg: "The Art of Social Theory". Rationality, Markets and Morals 6: 1-5.
Tutić, Andreas, 2016: Book Review on Gianluca Manzo (Ed.): "Analytical Sociology. Actions and Networks". Soziologische Revue 40: 292-295.
Tutić, Andreas, 2019: Decision and Game Theory as the Analytical Core of All the Behavioural Sciences. Book Review on Herbert Gintis: "Individuality and Entanglement. The Moral and Material Bases of Social Life". Czech Sociological Review 55: 889-893.
Tutić, Andreas, 2021: Book Review on Michael Hechter: "Rational Choice Sociology". Soziologische Revue 44: 297-301.